So, an exercise plan. As ive said in the 1st post. We have a small gym at work, which consists of a treadmill, walker, rower and a bike, with a multi-purpose weight machine as well.
My main port of call, is usually the treadmill, i found out about april/may time, that i like to jog! Which is kinda weird as i always hated running, and as walking fast seems to be boring, and take ages, and takes along time to to get anywhere, running seems to be the way for me.
My plan, for the next 2-3 months, will be a distance run. Going to try and walk/run/jog on this machine over a couple of days/nights a week, and do a total distance of 5km minimum a week. Then hopefully in february, itl increase to 7.5km, and them im April/May to 10km. Build it up to possible 15km next june/july time.
As well as running, im also going to use the weight machine and do several exercises on there, for the shoulders, back, chest, legs and stomach.
I really really want this to succeed and finally change my life around, and be alot more healthier and fitter. Ive never been slim or trim, and probably never will, but if i can make myself more heather, then il be really happy with myself.
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