Since the last time, i havnt done so well on the ol diet. Ive half stick to it, but after going to pub on monday and needing some hangover food, it was my first bacon sandwich for a couple of months really. Really do love cooked breakfasts, bacon, sausage etc That nite, i was going to just have some cereal, but had a sausage sandwich instead. So bad on the bread, but sausage was grilled, so not all to bad. Today, i cooked one of my most favourite chinese dishes, Salt and pepper squid! Fresh squid from morrisons and some salt and pepper seasoning, few crumbs on it, and you can grill or oven the squid, and perfect! The problem with squid, is, you can under cook it or over cook it, as it becomes rubbery and chewy. Very hot oven and quickly cook the crumb and the squid and it was done! Anyone on diets, eating fish and shellfish is a total must! Its filling and tasty and every bit of it is good for you. I know some people dont like the smell and feel of it, as its "slimey". Get your fishmonger to prepare it for you, then all you need to do, i put it on a baking sheet or dish to cook. Keep it wrapped it fridge so the "fishy" smell doesnt get everywhere. End of the day, if you cook alot of home food etc, after preparing fish are handling it, just like raw meat, good soapy wash and hot water, and no smell stays.
On friday im off to Doncaster, and it has the best fish and meat market ever! Il be stocking up on the fish and shellfish and freezing them when i get back in. I always get some crab meat, and hoping to get some hole crabs and make myself alot of crab cakes and freeze them.
Tommorow im a year older, and my girlfriend is cooking me a tasty breakfast, and off to damons for tea time. Damons has the best ribs in the UK! So im looking forward to that. Friday il be back on the cereal and them every breakfast itl be cereal until next wednesday as im off to lincoln for a few days to take in the xmas spirit and go to there xmas market. I went last year to lincoln at the same time, but, the snow hit and it got cancelled, so heres hoping the snow stays off for a few days them at least.
I know its going to be hard to stay strict on any diet during these times, but during december, if i dont put any weight back on, il be chuffed, as come January 1st, itl be a new blank canvas (ive about 105 previously started canvase's, but lets not go there) But to me 2012, is going to be 1 of the most important years of my life. I will write near new year about my goals and plans, and lets see how they are in a years time. What ive found out and tell my girlfriend alot, is that time never changes speed, but things do take time to happen. Dieting is a long drawn out thing and we all expect instant results, and they dont come. It should be mini short term goals, with a long term goal in a years time. 2012, i want to lose about 2 stone and be alot more fitter and healthier and keep on eating and making fresh good food. Ok i will do more detailed plans for 2012, but thats just 1 of the things id like to achieve.
I do think about alot of things, some just random stuff, 1 of them is listening to women (not much of a hobbie or weird fetish, but the fact that i work with alot of women and most of my girlfriends friends, family are women and she buys alot of woman mags) and do u know what, im glad im a man. The price it costs to be a modern day woman is ridiculous. All the grooming products i buy is, razor blades, shaving foam, deodrant, hair gel, aftershave, toothpaste, shower gel and that is about it. I always get a few shower gels at xmas, and they usually last me the hole year! Not that i dont shower, but 10 shower gels go along way. So my annual grooming product bill for the year, is about £200 max. £2 approx a week, il live with that. Now a womans bill must be a minumum of a £1000 easy! Oh yes, i also get free hair cuts. Someone who i work with railed off what she needs per day/week/month so she can look the way she is. Which got me thinking, y do women go to very long lenths, just so they can look like something they are clearly not. I know sometimes, some things a woman cant help, same as a man, but a man is not as self consious of how they look (well most anyway). I could name 10 different women aged between 20-30 who i know and about 5/6 of them dont have there natural hair colour they was born with. So why do woman buy all these products, do all these cosmetic things and spends hundreds and thousand on them selfs? Well you could say there all sellfish.... But i do beilive, magazines, newspapers, celebrities, being socailly excepted and now just keeping up with modern trends is a main reason why. Programs like TOWIE do not help, as about 90% of the woman on there have boob jobs and probably 100% of the under 35 woman have had some sort of cosmetic surgery. All i can say is, im glad im a man and my £2 grooming allowance a week does me well to be where i am!
Thats all for now folks.
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