Mini rant about life again.
So whats on my mind this time..... The price of life. Im not complaining, as they money i pay towards my life, is all kinda worth it at the moment. Im leading a pretty dam good life, to how it could be. Im now approaching my birthday soon, when your younger, you cant wait to get older and do other stuff, like go watch a 12,15,18 film legally. Buy a pint legally, gamble legally. When i say "legally" i mean, that most of these things i did before i needed to be that age. But now, i just wanna get younger again. I still look young, and feel young at times, but after working alot of days and hours, all i wanna do is rest and wack feet up on seatee and watch tv or some dvds and fall asleep like an old man. I would be very happy if i didnt have to go into a nightclub again. Ive been there, done that, and to be honest, clubbing has never changed since ive been doing it, and really, its aload of pants!, not just any old pants, but expensive pants!!
So the price of life.... Me and my partner live with each other, and split all the bills down the middle. If i was to live alone where we are, id have to pay out more money than i actually earn (circa £850-925 a month), and what ive found out for the first time in my life, is that christmas is so dam expensive. As well as the normal stuff. Ive got 3-4 different nights out and between £300-400 in presents, perhaps just over £400. Then there is new years eve and that holiday time as i usually go away for a few days. I bought my first present in October, and bought quite a few in the beginning of November, some will be in December and perhaps the last few day befores xmas day! 1 plus side, is im at my mums for xmas day, so no extra food will be needed like many households.
Rent £400
Bills £70
Food £200
Council Tax £100
Im also having driving lessons at the moment, but by time i do pass, il probably have to pay about £100 a month for the car if i get something on finance (fuel, insurance, finance payments etc) I also dont have sky/broadband or a phone line in at the minute, but do pay approx 25-30 for payg dongle top ups. Max a month, if i do get a car and get the essentials with a decent food shop, then i would payout about £1000 a month! I do not have any debts at all, which is a good thing, as i dont have any extras to pay out a month on top of it all. The price of life is going up and up, and the minumum wage isnt staying at the same pace. Is there any reason why this country is going belly up! Obviously there is alot more other factors to that, but that is just 1, as we must spend more than what we earn just to get by in life, and theres zero chance of getting any mortgage on a house or save up for a deposit, unless you earn a minumum off £500 a week, or 3-5k per household income a month.
At somepoint id like a holiday next year, as ive been with my partner now 19months, and not had a holiday abroad. We have tried 3 times, 1 got cancelled by the airline due to the trouble in tunisia early this year, the other 2 times we was going to go, we both got offered jobs to start near them dates. So next summer will be that time.
I am kinda glad i dont have kids yet, i would like them, some point in my life. But for the price condoms are, il gladly wear them to what a child costs a month and potentially a lifetime! But in all seriousness, i wanna be finacially sound before having kids, as you want to give them a good life and a good start in life, they say love doesnt cost anything, but unfortunatly nappies and food does! After reading the sun paper daily, a recent survey of couples find out that, having kids, then a house came before getting married, due to the cost. A house was 1 of the main things, as it goes towards your own future, and naturally somewhere to live your life. But a wedding was a real luxury if you could afford to do it. Obviously you can do a wedding on a budget, but alot, wanna big luxury wedding, as its going to be a one off.
Apart from winning the lotto, which is about a 14million to 1 shot. Im really not sure about where or what or how im gonna achieve something in life. But what ever it is, im gonna die trying to get there in the end. I do have plans in my head, with a future in catering or starting my own thing. But its abit late to start again to go to college or university and do something else.
Till next time.
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